What few know about me these days, is that I’ve come from a long way. In primary and secondary school I had a poor self-image. I was a scared insecure bird with an internal voice that just talked me into the ground. Now, more than 30 years later, here is a confident phoenix transformed himself into an above average happy, energetic and STRONG man.
I owe my NLP skills to Joost van der Leij. He taught me to radically change my internal voice to a strong confident voice. He also taught me to feel great in a split second. The Hypnotic language patterns served me very well in my role as Scrum Master, where I coach groups and individuals to become a better version of themselves. Check out some testimonials about me here.
Jerome Wehrens (www.bmind.nl) is my master when it comes to cold exposure and breathing. I am amazed how effective breathing and cold bio hacks affect your health and energy level. I am a certified Greenbelt Vitality Coach and becoming a certified Bluebelt Breathing Coach at the moment.
It is now time that I bring the knowledge and skills to make a mentally stronger and physically more powerful version of yourself to the world. Do you want to discover how I can help you grow? Contact me for an initial conversation.
For the fun I also include this link to the site where my wife Marlous and I report about our journeys around the world.